like 'got IPv6' or "I've got ultra high tech IPv6 for my internet and you don't" with a web url like www.getipv6.com (oops, some domain squatter already registered it).
http://www.getipv6.info could put that on the main page if enough people demand it.
For the most part the ISP and provider community is not going to put resources into IPv6 unless there is a market demand for IPv6.
And unless there are IPv6-knowledgeable people to hire, or already on staff. Someday IPv6 will be a routine part of training and education programs like CCIE. But right now it would be nice if more people would submit info for the http://www.getipv6.info/index.php/Educating_Yourself_about_IPv6 page. Right now it points to several ways of building a home IPv6 lab network using virtual machines, a couple of papers/presentations, one free book and some other miscellanous bits. Any other ISP-oriented material on IPv6 and its deployment would be welcome. --Michael Dillon