Andy Walden <andy@tigerteam.net> writes:
... reading through Commcast's AUP doesn't reveal this policy either. I think it was largely trollbait.
Could be. But AT&T Broadband out here just resent its terms of service with the monthly bill, and stated that it's strictly prohibited to attach more than one device to the cable service. They reminded their customers that a second IP address is available for an extra $5/month. I suppose one could get lawyerly and argue that you *are* attaching a single device -- the NAT box -- to their network; other devices are merely attached to the NAT box. But I don't think that was their intent. Whether this pricing model is enforceable aside, it is also in direct conflict with the projection that some day soon, the refrigerator, the hot tub, the stove, the stereo, the room thermostat, the garage door opener, etc. will all be IP-addressable. I'll be damned if I'll spend an extra $5/month for my refrigerator to surf the web, and I'll bet I'm not alone :-). Jim Shankland