p.s. - how is that ip navigator treating you - is there any other than the big C? (oops -that's little c, isn't it?).
frontier globalcenter is not planning to use ip navigator in the core of our network today. we are moving away from ip/atm and towards ip/sonet&ip/wdm. We have 1 oc12 using packet over sonet up today, and several oc3s; phased deployment of oc12 and oc48 starting 3Q98 and completed in 1Q99. we are exploring using ip navigator in our l2 aggregation frame and atm networks. big C/A,J,T,L,N little c they all have reasonable products, just some are more reasonable than others. what really burns me is when a company we are working with under nda tells our competition what we are exploring, and when they publish press releases about their customers without that customers approval. -alan