From: bmanning@is.rice.edu (William Manning) Date: Wed, 27 Apr 94 17:09:17 CDT X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11]
From another list...
given that a BSD/386 or NetBSD system can be put together quite cheaply and does a fine job at handling PPP and SLIP and multiple ethernets, this seems like a fine alternative to dedicated routers like Cisco for T1/E1-speed internet gateways. especially considering the power of GateD 3.5, and that a 16MB cisco can't handle a "full internet route table" while a 16MB i486 machine can do it easily. ... Comments from the gated crowd? The cisco crowd? I would have to wonder about the forwarding performance of 16MB i486 BSD machine acting as a router. Also I am not sure what a full internet route table should be, but a well-architected 16MB turnkey router should be able to support a route table of well over 100,000 routes. -- Regards, Bill Manning Joachim Martillo Manager of Internetworking Research Penril Datability Networks Penril Datability Advanced Communications Research Center 190 N. Main St. Natick, MA 01760 VOICE 508-653-5313 FAX 508-653-6415 EMAIL martillo@dss.com martillo@penril.com