On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, Sean Doran wrote:
Subject: nisc-03292 (ticket update) badly flapping prefix (204.4.27/24)
Ticket #nisc-03292 09/10/95-18:12:08 silvera SUBJECT: badly flapping prefix (204.4.27/24) Posted by: Aaron Silver ----------
Sean, The customer that this network belongs to is a dial-up customer, and as such, when his connection is up, we broadcast his network IP, and stop broadcasting when he disables his connection. We are unable to prevent his route from propagating in the face of what could be frequent log-in/log-outs.
Aaron Silver PSI Customer Support
Aaron, have you never heard of aggregation? Can't you aggregate this customer's route with other /24's and thus hide their comings and goings from the entire global Internet. Can you imagine what would happen if every dialup network in the world announced itself every time it logged in or out of it's service provider? This is not only anitsocial behaviour on the part of PSI, but you are in effect, holding your customer up to ridicule before the world by announcing their every coming and going. IMHO this is an extremely poor attitude to have towards your customers. Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-542-4130 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com