Simon, We see many advertisements out of 83/8 at our various observation points, but never bgp.lcs.mit.edu provides various perspectives. For example, at MIT: Nothing from your prefix: http://bgp.lcs.mit.edu/bgpview.cgi?time=between&start=2004-1-1&end=2004-4-15&bins=10&prefix= but plenty from 83/8: http://bgp.lcs.mit.edu/bgpview.cgi?time=between&start=2004-4-14&end=2004-4-15&bins=10&prefix= cheers, -Nick On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 01:58:20PM +0100, Simon Brilus wrote:
Are there any other Service Providers who have been allocated blocks out of the 83/8 network that are experiencing connectivity issues? We have been allocated and customers on this network have difficulty getting to sites like www.mercer.com, hk.yahoo.com etc..etc..
I'm just interested if it is a general BOGON filter issue still or whether this is more specific to our network.
Simon Brilus Bulldog Communications Ltd.