On Dec 19, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Joe Abley wrote:
It'd be nice if some grad student somewhere with friends in the operations community was to experiment with /24s carved out of larger blocks from all over the planet and present some empirical data.
We don't need a student. We have actual networks doing this every day without any issue, so we know it works. A research project could verify every last corner of the 'Net is accessible to /24s carved out of larger blocks, but the 'corners' tend to be more forgiving of things, it's the people in the "middle" who think they are too big or too important to listen to the little guys which cause problems. Little guys tend to not be so .. uh .. well, you can figure out what I mean. I believe there was a project on reachability of /24s which were _not_ carved out of larger blocks, although I can't find it right now. That might be more interesting. -- TTFN, patrick