Jeroen Massar wrote:
See my earlier comments on "upsell" and "control". While you have some ISPs starting from the mentality that gives us "accepting incoming connections is a chargeable extra", they're also going to be convinced that there's a revenue opportunity in segmenting customers who want N of some resource from those who want 2N, 4N, ... That the resource in question is, for all practical purposes, both free and infinite (cue someone with a 'tragedy of the commons' analysis) does not factor - if they want more, they must pay more!
Ever thought about this tiny thing called BANDWIDTH USAGE?
Thus don't charge folks for the amount of IP addresses they have, that is not what you get charged for by your transit/peers either.
Apologies - again, my sarcasm doesn't travel well. I don't think selling IP addresses is a good idea - it's an idea I hit against and get annoyed by in the IPv4 world that I expect at least some ISPs to try and perpetuate into the IPv6 world. Regards, Tim.