The ZTE 5960 with 48x SFP+ and 4x QSFP28 (40G and 100G capable) will do it within the budget listed. We use it for MPLS and VPLS. Regards Baldur Den tor. 19. apr. 2018 18.17 skrev Giuseppe Spanò - Datacast Srl < spano@datacast.it>:
Thank you very much to everyone.
The budget is around 3000-5000 $ each, possibly. There are many devices that could match our needs but as usual the dark side of this market is the platforms compatibility. We deployed many Mikrotik and Ericsson devices, hope they will "match" with a Cisco or Juniper or Huawey device with regards to MPLS, EoMPLS, VPLS etc...
Anyway your kind help is really very appreciated, we'll decide for one and will test it, no way out I think.
Il 19/04/18 03:32, Colton Conor ha scritto:
What is your budget?
I know on the low end many operators are using the Huawei S6720S-26Q-EI-24S-AC. You can get these new for $2500 to $3500, and the support all the features and port counts you requested. The also have a lifetime warranty that includes advanced replacement (10 days), TAC support, and software support all for free if you buy through official channels. It support MPLS, and also VXLAN.
Extreme seems to have some good options, but I doubt they are that low cost.
For Juniper you need to look at the ACX series which is expensive. Like the ACX5048 which list price is $40k not that anyone pays list, and that's before port licenses. The EX series does not have proper MPLS support.
Cisco has mutliple options, but mainly the NCS based on your port count I think. Supposely the C3850 and C9500 now support MPLS? There is a new 16 port 10G version of the C9500. I haven't looked into Nexus switches. Does Nexus support full MPLS?
HPE has some low cost options. In their FlexFabric and FlexNetwork lines that support MPLS in Comware V7.
Who else are we missing? MPLS support really cuts down this list, but I agree its a critical feature for most service providers.
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 7:26 AM, Giuseppe Spanò - Datacast Srl <spano@datacast.it <mailto:spano@datacast.it>> wrote:
we're looking for some L3 switches to be used as distribution devices. They should have all (at leaast 24) SFP+ ports 10G and at least a couple of upstream ports 40G capable, but what is most important, they should be able to run MPLS, EoMPLS and VPLS. Is there any device you would suggest us? We where thinking about NEXUS but I'm sure there are also others, even if it is not so easy to find them on the Internet.
Thank you in advance for your help .
Giuseppe Spanò Datacast Srl