In message <1624203180.33527.1478724998723.JavaMail.zimbra@baylink.com>, "Jay R. Ashworth" <jra@baylink.com> wrote:
The list is not the proper forum for a debate on this topic, and I'm not trying to start one.
But ask yourself *now* what happens if you get these kinds of orders, so that you can give a reasoned answer.
There are plenty of reasons for thinking people to be terrified today. I don't know why you've chosen to focus on such a small one. Here's a bigger one: http://bit.ly/2fTdmiG P.S. I agree completely that this is not the proper forum for either discussion or debate on these matters. But given that adherence to the ordinary rules of politness and proper decorum quite clearly did nothing, in the end, to prevent last night's outcome, I for one am willing to forgo them, within limits, e.g. when some of the elephants in the room become just too big to ignore.