As NANOG has experienced during the last several meetings, in any network used by a large number of people, there will be a certain percentage of people which bring infected computers into the network. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/29/technology/circuits/29bost.html?pagewanted... Wiring a Convention, Version 2004 By SETH SCHIESEL Published: July 29, 2004 [...] But data services have not been as solid. Many news organizations suffered intermittent breakdowns in Internet service, and on Tuesday evening the main press pavilion was offline for about 90 minutes. A spokesman for Verizon said the company deliberately caused the interruption as part of an effort to root out a more deep-seated network problem, which the company said appeared to have been caused by a virus carried by network devices provided by news organizations. In the interim, a handful of data lines provided by other companies, including AT&T, served as a backup.