18 Jun
18 Jun
6:13 a.m.
On Sat, 17 Jun 2000, RJ Atkinson wrote:
At 22:46 16/06/00 , Richard A. Steenbergen wrote:
The common number that all those using jumbo frames should support is 9000 bytes (not 9k aka 9216).
Disagree, for the reasons described in RFC-1626. The IP MTU described in RFC-1626 has a number of advantages for hosts using TCP, whether or not NFS is in use.
That came out wrong, my point was that the number on all jumbo frame implementations should be no lower then 9000 bytes, not that this is the best possible number. Optimizing for NFS seems to be one of the lowest considerations on the list of important things though. :P
aren't two "well known" router vendors only supporting 8192 bytes? -b