Alex - We did the one in Eugene for under 10k, but we're a University with lots of personnel in place - and student bodies to throw at the thing. Our big costs were US West curcuits into the hotel (6xT1 - we could have gotten away with 4xT1) and cable - we had lenghts cut to fit the table layout in the ballroom. We had switches & such on hand, and we "borrowed" terminal room machines from one of the student labs - Everyones starting resource base is different, so take this with a grain of salt - My notes from our event can be found here: http://pythia.uoregon.edu/~llynch/hosting.html http://pythia.uoregon.edu/~llynch/nanog16.html This was a great event for the UO - and a LOT of work, as I'm sure any of the other recent hosts could tell you. Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services Computing Center University of Oregon llynch@darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774 Cell: (541) 912-7998 5419127998@mobile.att.net On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
If I could get a straight answer on out-of-pocket costs involved, NAC may be interested in hosting one in NYC/NJ.
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Bora Akyol wrote:
I wish I could Randy.
Ask me in two more years.
From: Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 10:04:04 -0800 To: Bora Akyol <akyol@akyol.org> Cc: <nanog@merit.org> Subject: Re: Next NANOG
I am all for San Diego. The same hotel as the IETF would work fine for me.
this was an offer to host?