6 Nov
6 Nov
9:34 p.m.
Completely agree with you on that point. I'd love to see Equinix, AMSIX, LINX, DECIX, and the rest of the large exchange points put out statements indicating their ability to transparently support jumbo frames through their fabrics, or at least indicate a roadmap and a timeline to when they think they'll be able to support jumbo frames throughout the switch fabrics.
The Netnod IX in Sweden has offered 4470 MTU for many years. From http://www.netnod.se/technical_information.shtml "One VLAN handles standard sized Ethernet frames (MTU <1500 bytes) and one handles Ethernet Jumbo frames with MTU-size 4470 bytes." Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no