Randy Bush wrote:
[ not disagreeing greg, just using your post as a soapbox ]
it is amusing that members of this list, who so often spend inordinate amounts of time railing against nsi, fall so simply for their "we have the most important zones" marketing. then again, i am repeatedly told by my european, alyc, african, ap, ... friends that the whole domain name noise is an american problem/disease and we should shut up and use the US tld. interesting that nsi could be on the grab for that one too.
[Soapbox on] I have heard this "market speak" and these battles are difficult to fight, IMHO. They are all spreading FUD, making middle managers wonder if Tuvalu is the best domain space since toasters. Recently, my team was able to start the process to decom 6000 gtld names. The moment our counsel hears of someone reclaims one of those, there will be hell to pay. As for US, Manning setup the only sane structure but it met with great disdain for some reason unknown to me. Too many dots is all I hear. Now it goes to the DOC and all those other three letters. Quite a loss to the community. [Soapbox off] -Nathan Lane