At 11:01 AM 12/30/2003, you wrote:
when will we see the FBI, and other local police in the other countries send the script kiddies to the JAILL so we can use the internet without too much
The cost of tracking down and prosecuting them, and the difficulty in proving that what they are doing is against the law, is significant. LEOs don't understand how to investigate and prosecute criminal network behavior, and they have other crimes they DO understand that presently have a higher priority. It will take a lot of money and education to the LEO community before this will become a priority. We don't need new laws. It is against the law (worldwide) to abuse someone else's property via trespass, theft, etc. These laws already exist and can be used to prosecute those who commit these crimes over the Internet. The first anti-spam prosecutions in the US were against Cyberpromo for "Trespass to Chattels", and were successful. The problem is that these prosecutions were very expensive, and ultimately they didn't accomplish anything (the spammers didn't stop spamming). Trying to get new laws can lead to useless (or worse, like the US's new I Can Spam act which *legalizes* spam). But it's still against the law to use someone else's computer without permission. All you have to do is identify the person committing the crime, detail how what they are doing is illegal, and convince a state/district/federal Attorney to prosecute. And provide expert witnesses who can help the judge learn why and how these acts ARE illegal. And then repeat, repeat, repeat, for years until the spammers/hackers etc. have been stopped, by getting judges to throw them in jail for contempt of court when they don't pay their fines or stop spamming per the judgements issued.
You're asking how long it might take for every government in every single jurisdiction in the world to pass a coherent set of laws about something that the average person knows nothing about, and to enforce them in a compatible way?
no. he's just a troll. remember the kiddies are out of school these two weeks
According to Google, he has posted twice before to nanog, both on-topic networking questions. What evidence do you have that he's a troll and/or an "out of school kiddie"? jc