There is no specific story on the focus.
My objective is to go a bit beyond the technical aspects of Peering, or De-peering.

At the first moment, I don't mention some cases that I have in mind, exactly to avoid the polemic and focus on the aspects around the cases.

I will give a hypothetic example, with no real names:

The "SteveAndEdNet", a CDN Company, decides to extend its branchs until "Kingdom of Far Far Away", and creates a POP there.
Installs itself on "DorisInnDatacenter", connects with some IXPs over there, connects some PNIs with some nobles.
But, after some time, "SteveAndEdNet" make a deal with "RumpelstiltkinNet" a Transit provider that operates there.

On that deal "RumpelstiltkinNet" ensure to supply the traffic demanded to "SteveAndEdNet" POP to be considered technical justifiable...
But it also demands, that "SteveAndEdNet" drain all the traffic to IXPs and PNIs...
With that, "RumpelstiltkinNet" can be the only one reseller of the content delivered by "SteveAndEdNet".
This is a foggy example that I'm trying to understand better by the point of view of Economics Dumping.

And then??
Can this be considered an anti-competitive act?

If anyone feels more comfortable reaching me privately, no issues with that.

Em ter., 16 de mar. de 2021 às 03:33, Rod Beck <> escreveu:
I was an Erols customer during that time. What's the story?

From: NANOG <> on behalf of William Herrin <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:01 AM
To: Douglas Fischer <>
Cc: NANOG <>
Subject: Re: SFI/SBI/Transit - Dumping
On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 11:35 AM Douglas Fischer
<> wrote:
> I'm going a bit deeper into the study of Peering Relationships...
> And one of the possibilities that I'm trying to understand better on the Peering Relationships on the Internet been considered dumping(economy).
> The matter here is more on the economic and commercial aspects than on the technical side.

Hi Douglas,

I'm not aware of any examples of Dumping (in the economics sense)
involving backbone BGP peering. Usually the problem is collusive

If you want to cast a wider net, Erols Internet of the 1990s offers an
interesting case study in driving competition out with extended
below-cost pricing. But this was dialup and DSL service, not backbone

Bill Herrin

William Herrin

Douglas Fernando Fischer
Engº de Controle e Automação