At 05:31 PM 2/12/2004, Brian Bruns wrote:
On Thu, February 12, 2004 4:52 pm, Brian Wallingford said:
We've been seeing the following on all of our (9.2.1) authoritative nameservers since approximately 10am today. Googling has turned up nothing; I'm currently trying to glean some useful netflow data. Just wondering if this is local, or if others have suddenly seen the same.
Seems harmless enough, but the logging is eating a disproportionate amount of cpu.
Feb 12 16:25:07 ns1 named[3150]: internal_send: Invalid argument
Its possible that someone is spoofing UDP packets to your nameserver from that IP range (which is IANA reserved space). It looks like BIND is refusing to send to that address, and thus the error.
At least, IMHO. So I could be wrong :)
Someone is likely using relays.monkeys.com on their mail server which is resolving against your DNS server. It is a now defunct blacklist. They changed all their records to resolve to in order to get people's attention and get them to stop using the service. You should filter on your BIND servers anyway. Alternatively, you can just create an authoritative zone for relays.monkeys.com on your servers and leave them blank except for required records like SOA and NS. There is a small discussion going on about this on the bind9-users list and this information is strictly pulled from there. You might want to check that list out or similar ones for more information. Vinny Abello Network Engineer Server Management vinny@tellurian.com (973)300-9211 x 125 (973)940-6125 (Direct) PGP Key Fingerprint: 3BC5 9A48 FC78 03D3 82E0 E935 5325 FBCB 0100 977A Tellurian Networks - The Ultimate Internet Connection http://www.tellurian.com (888)TELLURIAN There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those that don't.