On Wed, 23 May 2001, Mitch Halmu wrote:
Oh, I'm constantly falling in and out of ORBS and peoples killfiles. Do I particularly care? Nope... people have a right to block whatever traffic they want from their machines.
ORBS is a foreign entity. Out of reach. Vixie is ante portas. American, like you and me. Blackmailing American providers, breaking state and federal laws with impunity. People that subscribe to the blackhole lists probably have no idea who in particular they are blocking or to what extent. Or even why.
I keep missing the part that has to do with laws and legallity. You see to like to toss that around without any legal precedence for your statements. Its a shame for you and your employer that you don't believe in filtering abuse from your network. Your also in the minority. Simple as that. Just as it is your right to misconfigure your mail server and provide free services to spammers, it is my right to blackhole you from existance. Neat how that works both ways. Its probably best that everyone agrees to disagree. You can keep providing services to spammers and we will continue to block you and we can leave it at that. I'm sure some people on SPAM-L would have some opinions on this subject should you decide to take it to the proper forum. andy