It's a phish people. I've received several of these for zimmy.co.uk, they lasted about a week, then they stopped. I would suggest waiting this out, if after a week or two they haven't ceased then I would suggest contacting the ISP from where these EMails are originating. As for the blacklisting of your host, contact them and inform this is a phishing scam; this is better delegated to blacklists such as Netcraft rather than SORBS or the like. c On Fri, 2010-01-08 at 11:22 -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
At least this is new for me...
I host scvrs.org on one of my servers, and, it does not have any outlook or owa services. For some reason, someone decided to try and send this message out to various internet recipients:
Dear user of the scvrs.org mailing service!
We are informing you that because of the security upgrade of the mailing service your mailbox (x) settings were changed. In order to apply the new set of settings click on the following link:
http://scvrs.org/owa/service_directory/settings.php?email=x&from= scvrs.org&fromname=wa2ibm
Best regards, scvrs.org Technical Support.
An now I'm having to clean up various blacklistings thinking that my server is a spamvertised web site.
Anyone seen this before? Any good techniques for combatting it?