15 Apr
15 Apr
7:32 p.m.
Brandon Ross said once upon a time:
On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Are we really concerned about being smurfed by a /30, or even a /27?
You should be. If I didn't have directed broadcasts turned off on my network, it would be a very effective smurf amplifier. Because ARIN keeps us on a very short leash, we use the smallest subnet we can get away with for our POPs. Some such sites are very well connected.
We should be concerned about receiving pings floods from two single addresses? The the IP size of the network also figures into the nature of the attack. Smurfing is made easier by large subnets without directed-broadcast turned off. It is a lot more work to get the same results from networks smaller than a /27.