Brocade/arris is eager for business these days. They have a nice switch (10g ports with 40g stacking) that should meet your needs with very aggressive pricing. Eric Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 18, 2018, at 5:26 AM, Giuseppe Spanò - Datacast Srl <spano@datacast.it> wrote:
we're looking for some L3 switches to be used as distribution devices. They should have all (at leaast 24) SFP+ ports 10G and at least a couple of upstream ports 40G capable, but what is most important, they should be able to run MPLS, EoMPLS and VPLS. Is there any device you would suggest us? We where thinking about NEXUS but I'm sure there are also others, even if it is not so easy to find them on the Internet.
Thank you in advance for your help .
Giuseppe Spanò Datacast Srl