Precedent, Randy, Precedent ! UUnet and few others a long time ago had a differing definition of "peering" that most of us thought, at the time... But were so BIG, we accepted their routes, anyway. * shrug * A secret black list is a real bugger if: No one is allowed to mention it exists. If you get on it, there is now way off, no "right of redress". No one can -tell- you you are on it. No one can tell you if you -aren't-..... And if you -somehow- figure out your on it, they can't admit it, or the -reason- you are on it, or take you off even if they wanted. Any and all of the above. On a lighter note, the US Senate recently unsealed the American McCarthy Hearing records. :O :* :} Randy Bush wrote:
In recent times, a lot of .mil have thrown up a whole bunch of null routes to large sections of international address space. Good luck getting them removed
as this means they have a different definition of the internet than the one to which i, and i suspect others, are used, why should i and others accept their routes?