On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Jon Lewis wrote:
I've personally dealt with a customer not too long ago who when we turned them up was announcing 2 /20s, a /21, a /22, and several /23s and /24s all deaggregated as /24s. Sprint and Qwest (their other upstreams at the time) apparently had no problem with this. I saw what they were doing and asked them why. "That's how our router consultant set it up." There was no technical reason for it. I helped them reaggregate their BGP announcements.
I'll bet there are at least hundreds of similar AS's that just need to be prodded (or maybe even some hand holding or config help) in order to clean up their announcements.
It would appear that ARIN education is somehow lacking in regards to their paying membership. -Hank [see my previous post]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis | I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________