On 03/02/2015 03:31 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
On Mar 2, 2015, at 08:28 , Lamar Owen <lowen@pari.edu> wrote:
...it would be really nice to have 7Mb/s up for just a minute or ten so I can shut the machine down and go to bed. How much of your downstream bandwidth are you willing to give up in order to get that?
Let’s say your current service is 10Mbps/512Kbps. Would you be willing to switch to 3Mbps/7Mbps in order to achieve what you want?
What about 5.25Mbps/5.25Mbps? (same total bandwidth, but split symmetrically)?
Any of those would be nice. Nicer would be something adaptive, but that's a pipe dream, I know. I'm aware of the technological limitations of ADSL, especially the crosstalk and power limitations, how the spectrum is divided, etc. The difference between 10/.5 and 5.25/5.25 on the download would be minimal (half as fast); on the upload, not so minimal (ten times faster). But even a 'less asymmetrical' connection would be better than a 20:1 ratio. 4:1 (with 10Mb/s aggregate) would be better than 20:1.