At 10:55 +0100 23 December 1998, Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike> wrote:
On Tue, 22 Dec 1998, Daniel Reed wrote:
Actually, this mailing list neither adds in a "Mailing-List: ..." header nor a "Precedence: bulk" header, which are the two easiest ways to spot a modern mailing list. I'd suggest you complain to the mailing list managers, not the poor people whose [most likely] properly configured autoresponders aren't being given the information they should be given.
Also, it seems to use sendmail for its deliveries. This makes it take 10-20 minutes before email reaches me (sometimes more). I wish they would use qmail instead (for instance). Dont know if they use majordomo but I have successfully made majordomo use qmail-inject and use qmail for outgoing list-mail whilst still using sendmail for incoming email (for flexibility with aliases etc. Makes the transition much easier.
The NANOG list has been running with sendmail, majordomo and bulk_mailer on a long-suffering SPARC 5. This is the reason for both the lag time and the lack of Precedence: header (bulk_mailer strips it out by default; I don't know if running it thus was a policy decision or simply an oversight). On and off for the last few days I've been using you all as guinea pigs in my evaluation of Postfix on an Ultra 5, and so far it looks promising. Delivery times are down quite a bit. To use you as an example, Mikael, the current setup took between 9 and 14 minutes to make deliveries to you yesterday. Routing the list traffic through Postfix on the faster machine dropped that to 60-100 seconds. And as several people have noted, the Precedence: header is preserved. It's a little early yet to make a wholesale switch to the new system, but I'm hoping to do so in January. If nothing else we'll be on the better hardware. Bear with us a little longer. -- John Hensley <hensley@merit.edu> Merit Network, Inc.