Thus spake "Kuhtz, Christian" <christian.kuhtz@bellsouth.com>
So, the questions are: will OMB fund the transfer of the US gov't sites? Will there ever be a US gov't web site only on IPv6? (I think the API issue has been solved.)
While that would certainly be nice.. There doesn't need to be.
Agreed, but for a different reason.
Unlike GOSIP, IPv6 is largely transparent, thanks to all the work that has been done on this subject in the IETF.
Unlike Asia, the USG has far more IPv4 addresses than it could possibly need for servers. Their desktops may go IPv6-only, but there's no way their servers will do so until well after the plug is pulled on IPv4 over the public Internet (if ever). Coexistence is the name of the game, not transparency. S Stephen Sprunk "Those people who think they know everything CCIE #3723 are a great annoyance to those of us who do." K5SSS --Isaac Asimov