Operational help needed. Must register DNS server. Money available. Help? Details below. Note that the more you read the stupider you will get. Ehud Facts: I own WETWORK.NET, registered with the register.com registrar. I own LETOH.COM, registered with network solutions registrar. 20-oct I register a domain LETOH.COM with network solutions, and attempt to use the nameserver "server.wetwork.net" which is under my register.com domain wetwork.net. Network solutions says to [NIC-991020.1545c]: ERROR: Name Server <SERVER.WETWORK.NET>is not registered with InterNIC. 20-oct I send in a host template [NIC-991020.15848] but NetSol says: The <WETWORK.NET> domain is non-existent. First register this host through the host registration process or choose a different name-server. AT THE SAME TIME I get another mail message from them: All Host Forms must be submitted from the e-mail address of the current host contact...we have sent a notification message ... which they did not send anywhere I can tell. 22-oct I sent mail to help@internic.net and asked them to fix this. 26-oct Netsol says: The problem with your HOST registration was that you were trying to register a host but the TOP-Level part of the host is not a registered domain, i.e.WETWORK.NET. 26-oct I wrote netsol and said: Wetwork.net exists.. just not with your registry. However, I wish to use mail.wetwork.net as a DNS server with your registry future domains. Please register the host asap. 27-oct Help@internic.net says to send in a host template and includes one in the message... 27-oct I submit the host template [NIC-991027.75ef]. I also follow it up to help@ with: 991027.75ef duplicates 991020.15848 as per your request. 27-oct Once again I get the 'All host forms must be submitted from the email address of the current host contact...' 27-oct I forward the mess back to help@internic [NIC-991027.14981] I forward a copy to kimh@ with header Subject: 1. I submit host form. 2 you reject it. 3 I ask for help. 4 help says submit host templte. I DO. Here's the rejection again. Please fix 27-oct help@ responds with: Thank you for contacting Network Solutions. To register a domain name in the COM, NET, ORG, and EDU top-level domains, you should: 1. Make arrangements for Internet service. A company that can connect you to the Internet Ehud Gavron ACES Research, Inc., an RMI.NET company