On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Mark Scholten <mark@streamservice.nl> wrote:
From: jeffrey.lyon@gmail.com [mailto:jeffrey.lyon@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Lyon Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 2:32 AM
I've already stated that i'm having the server powered down. What else do you people want? Why not focus your energy on the providers who are NOT responding to complaints?
Actual action taken would be nice idea. After the server is powered down feel free to inform us about that fact. Don't say that you did nullroute something that we can see that that is a lie. If you need to wait for someone else mention that it will be solved within XX hours and inform everyone when it is done.
I (and probably others) would like to know when the nullroute will be in place or the server is taken down.
Sometimes I also need some time to process something, in such cases I mention that it could take X hour or reply after it has been fixed.
Regards, Mark
PS.: If providers don't reply at all we have our own (internal) blacklist. If they reply and say that they'll fix it within a day we normally don't put them on the internal blacklist.
Mark, All of my sources were routing through Telia, I had no idea that PCCW was not accepting the tags. The null routes were set immediately once this issue came to my attention and the server was powered down immediately once I determined that PCCW was not accepting the discard tags. I've listened to and acted on every single Spamhaus listing since the founding of this company and all of a sudden in late 2010 a couple of pharmacy spammers pick up a dedicated server, thus warranting full blown witch trials on our company. I was very polite with Spamhaus at first but so far i've been treated like garbage. You would be angry as well. -- Jeffrey Lyon, Leadership Team jeffrey.lyon@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net Black Lotus Communications - AS32421 First and Leading in DDoS Protection Solutions