On 2/06/2023 at 10:22:46 AM, Wes Hardaker <wjhns61@hardakers.net> wrote:
2. I'll note that we are still serving DNS requests at the addresses that we switched away from in 2017 [1][2]. At that time we actually only promised 6 months and we've doubled that time length with our latest announced change. But we do need a date after which we can turn off service to an address block if some reason demands it.
Hi Wes, Seems to me that this could be heavily informed by historical data from this earlier renumbering. Do you have query rates over time for the old and new addresses since this change in 2017? Even if you end up with the same answer of 12mo, data supporting it may give comfort to the community. Maybe you make a call that once it’s at say 1% or 0.1% or something like that, then it’s OK to turn off - and make a prediction for when that might be based on the historical data. -- Nathan Ward