I've seen the same behavior with a Catalyst 2948G. My servers weren't experiencing any problems, and appeared to be connecting at 100/Full - despite what the Fluke reports. If I recall correctly, the 2948s use the same software base as the 4000s - I've written it off as a software incompatibility between the 2948/4000 code and the Fluke. I did a cursory search of Cisco's bug reports, but found nothing related. My advice is to ignore the auto-negotiate between the 4000 and the Fluke. J.J.
From: Joes Jobs <joej@mail.rocknyou.com> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 03:56:22 -0700 To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Cisco 4000 series switches <snip> However the line analyzer says duplex is half, but advertised full. When I set the node in question to Half Duplex, the switch reports half duplex as well.