Dear Nicolas; 1.) We can do it, but we will charge for it. 2.) Better lists for such discussion are IPMulticast from ServiceNetworks.com (for commercial issues) http://www.servicenetworks.com/SNEditorial/forums.asp#IPMulticast MBoned (for deployment issues). majordomo@ns.uoregon.edu 3.) You should try and get native multicast instead of a tunnel. For either, in France you might try noos.fr francetelecom.fr Renater.fr inria.fr All of which have multicast peering set up. Naino offers commercial multicast service in France (see http://www.multicast-isp-list.com ) + Naino SA Sales Office 21, rue Bargue 75015 Paris France + Tel: +33 1 56 58 01 14 + Fax: +33 1 43 33 52 67 + info@naino.net And, finally, there are in France the usual big players who will give you multicast if you have a connection to them, such as Sprint. Regards Marshall Eubanks On Friday, December 27, 2002, at 07:46 PM, Nicolas DEFFAYET wrote:
On Sat, 2002-12-28 at 01:39, Daniel Roesen wrote:
On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 12:33:52AM +0100, Nicolas DEFFAYET wrote:
Who can provide me an IPv4 multicast tunnel with a mbgp session ?
My multicast router is located at Paris, FR.
Why don't you ask on your own continent? Is there any particular attractive idea behind sending traffic unnecessarily over the Atlantic which I miss?
I don't find better list for my question and a lot of european people read this list.
Best Regards,
-- Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware NOC Website: http://noc.ndsoftwarenet.com/ FNIX6: http://www.fnix6.net/ #nocpeople @ IRCnet
T.M. Eubanks Multicast Technologies, Inc. 10301 Democracy Lane, Suite 410 Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Phone : 703-293-9624 Fax : 703-293-9609 e-mail : tme@multicasttech.com http://www.multicasttech.com Test your network for multicast : http://www.multicasttech.com/mt/ Status of Multicast on the Web : http://www.multicasttech.com/status/index.html