On Wed, 29 Aug 2001, Sean M. Doran wrote:
Thus, the routing system FAILED twice: once because of memory, once because of processor power.
I think this says a lot more about what we expect now versus what we expected then. 1994: You could still run a usenet server with less than 10 gigs of storage... 14.4 modems still in use... MCI and Sprint were still wondering if this expensive toy would go anywhere. In short, the first failure was a catastrophe for a small number of people. 1996: 28.8 modem, and I recall UUNet sucking and sucking and sucking in the little market I call home, NYC. In short, we expect better performance now, and if either of these problems were to resurface tomorrow, most of the people running "real" networks would find a way to work around both problems. Too many prefixes? I know Randy knows a way to fix that. You're running 7000's in your core? Shame on you. The internet is different now, there's no comparison to what it was in '94 or '96. Those episodes were more embarrasments than anything else. Would UUNet or ATT or Genuity think twice about upgrading routers if there was impending danger of a lack of memory or cpu? Can a small ISP in Florida still clobber the whole internet? Learning experiences, that's all... C