Hi, I have not seen this in the discussion yet. http://labs.ripe.net/Members/mirjam/ipv6-cpe-survey-updated-january-2011 CPE support does not seem to be very broad yet. As far as I can see there is almost PPPoE only for IPv6 in Europe. In Germany cable is a mess by regulation. So no cable/dhcp. There used to be a DTAG monopoly with aDSL only and PPPoE only. Most ISPs still rely on the DTAG infrastructure. That is why very PPPoE biased. There is a high concentration of AVM in the CPE with Infineon chipsets in both DSLAM and DSL-Modem / Router --- OT --- Living in the outback with DSL-1000 max I made some tests with CIS-modem, Broadcom Cipset (Hitachi) and Infineon/AVM. The CIS-modem is no longer sold but far superior to the others. I had trouble to get some of the Broadcoms working. Replacing the power supply unit (wallwart, not regulated) with a regulated and filtered 13.5 volts power supply unit for my hamradio both the bradcoms and the AVW worked almost a good as the CIS-modem. Some of you might remember tuneable hum noise in ancient am-radios. That noise could be cured by shunting the rectifiers with 4.7 nano farad capacitors. The spectrum of the modem shows a lattice that goes away with a reulated and filtered power source. Of coarse you cannot spend a week experimenting at any client site. So excuse the noise. --- /OT --- -- Peter and Karin Dambier Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana Rimbacher Strasse 16 D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher +49(6209)795-816 (Telekom) +49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de) mail: peter@peter-dambier.de http://www.peter-dambier.de/ http://iason.site.voila.fr/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/iason/ ULA= fd80:4ce1:c66a::/48