] As to your call for us to suspend the service, I would respectfully ] suggest that it would be premature to decide on any course of action ] until we first have had an opportunity to collect and review the ] available data.
One would think it would be equally premature to roll out the service without first asking the appropriate people for their opinion first, starting with ICANN.
Looks like the lawsuits are going to be the ones to settle this dispute...anyone think there's a chance of ICANN pulling .COM and .NET from Verisign due to breach of contract? I think it's highly unlikely.
Oh, I dunno... ICANN has no teeth, so that won't happen. Courts are likely to support the position that Verisign has control of .net and .com and can do pretty much anything they want with it. Of course... Verisign's comments tend to remind one of "There are no Americans in Baghdad!" As I said over the weekend: ICANN has requested that Verisign remove the wildcards in .com and .net. So what you're basically saying here is: that ain't gonna happen. Correct? Then I got flamed... hmmmmm Carnack is ready for the next answer