On Fri, 16 Jul 2004, Michel Py wrote:
Thoughts, anyone?
Personal reflection? I believe 90% of all households will manage well on 35gig per month, ie 100kilobit/s on average. Those who need more should be charged let's say $40-50 per month per megabit used, at least during peak hours. For ease of calculation, $5 per another 35gigs per month (token system, user has to actively do something). Add optional free download during 1am and 7am (or whenever your lows are), and only half counted bw used between 7am and 1pm and you should probably be able to even out the usage and get less costly backbone upgrades because of peak usage. If user doesn't pay, limit speed to 256k or so. If you feel you have an uneven traffic ratio, feel free to only charge/cap in the direction that is most favorable to you. Now, to get user acceptance and a sound technical implementation for all this, that's another matter ... -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se