On 09Feb22, Joe Greco allegedly wrote:
I dunno. I think I'd find that being unable to resolve a hostname or being unable to exchange packets result in a similar level of Internet brokenness.
Sure. The result is the same, but as a discriminator for diagnosing the problem it's quite different. If a support rep hears "cannot reach fatbook" vs. ping fails they'll hopefully go down a different diagnostic route. In large partI think of this sort of tool as a "what next" helper or "where do I look next" helper.
It is going to be hard to quantify all the things you might want to test for. You already enumerated several. But if it has to be a comprehensive "Internet is fully working" test, what do you do to be able to detect that your local coffee shop isn't implementing a net nanny filter? Just to take it too far down the road. ;-)
From an automation POV it's nothing more than a bit of data-gathering and issuing pretty standard network exchanges in sequence. By way of example, on FreeBSD13, ping is 4,000+
Well comprehensive might be a bit much, but useful info for a support rep or a tech forum helper, well, that's a different matter. The Ocean boiling we aint. In many ways the idea is simply to automate the basic steps that most of us would take to diagnose a connectivity issue: for ip in 4, 6 1a) Can I reach first hop - check 1b) Can I reach ISP first hop - check 2a) Can I reach a resolver - check 3a) Can I resolve ISP end-points - check 3b) Can I reach ISP end-points - check 4a) Can I resolve ping.ripe.net - check 4b) Can I reach ping.ripe.net end-points - check done Or similar. The tool bootstraps its way up rather than offering just a binary yeah/nay. The output might simply be the above. I reckon if you saw that sort of output you'd be able to make a pretty informed guess as to where the problem might be - or at least what to do next. Which is the goal. We know we have a problem, we want to zero in on it. lines of C. I'm certain the above could be implemented in far fewer ELOCs in a modern language. And, if these basic steps are augmented by ISPs adopting one or two conventions such as well-defined DNS names and end-points, then such a tool could offer a lot of insights for that inevitable support call: "I ran 'ping-internet [sol.net]' and it said: ...". As J. Hellenthal mentioned earlier, I think there's an argument here for why ISPs might encourage such a beast. What do you think? Mark.