Was this tongue in cheek? I am not an economist, but this is a sure fire way to destroy the internet as we know it today. Kris
-----Original Message----- From: Brandon Ross [mailto:bross@sockeye.com] Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 4:20 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Independent space from ARIN
The solution to the problems posted in this thread about ARIN is fairly simple. It's time to deregulate the IP address market and convert to a free market approach to allocating IP addresses. If address space could be bought and sold on a free market you would no longer have to justify your address space to anyone, saving untold amount of resources and costs pulling these reports together. Of course, address space wouldn't be wasted the way it is today by organizations that hoard it, or by companies that go out of business because it would make sound financial sense to sell what you don't need.
ARIN (and the other registries as well) could still exist and function as a central repository (think of a title registry) of information about the current ownership of address blocks.
-- Brandon Ross AIM: BrandonNR VP Operations ICQ: 2269442 Sockeye Networks