On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Scott Francis wrote:
On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 02:34:46AM -0600, nanog@adns.net said:
Starting about 6am eastern time, we began getting several hundred hits per second from IP address to our WHOIS server.
It appears that they were running a rather well endowed dictionary against the database.
Beware - these are spammers (I know the address very well). Check your logs if you have any email servers or whois databases.
This is a jerk from England who is a known fraudster.
==== [sfrancis@silverlight:~]$ whois -r <snip> descr: Please forward abuse issues descr: to abuse@blueyonder.co.uk <snip> ====
If this guy is obviously spamming, or data mining in preparation for spamming, it seems that blueyonder.co.uk could be contacted to have his access yanked. Failing that, cableinet.net could be contacted to have blueyonder.co.uk yanked.
Of course, you may have already tried this and received little/no cooperation. *sigh*
Good luck dealing with blueyonder - they won't accept complaints sent by means other than their webform. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tony Rowley rowley@netaxs.com |"No oath, no pledge, no vow greater than Netaxs Internet Services | this: to never give up." Philadelphia PA USA | - Kevin Smith