On 21 Jul 1996, Dean Gaudet wrote:
of this into account, I'm really leaning towards a solution that involves lots of small pipes to lots of providers. Essentially eliminating the need for 90% of our packets to traverse NAPs by using each backbone mostly for their own customers.
Are you sure you can't accomplish this with your own national backbone and private interconnects with the major providers similar to what Sprint/MCI are doing to keep traffic off the NAP's? On the other hand, maybe you could be the customer that establishes the distributed web server scenario I discussed earlier. If you have read through http://www.ix.digital.com you will not that not only are they running an exchange point but they are also running a web farm of sorts at the same location. Chances are good that this web-farm-at-the-XP concept will become the rule rather than the exception. Note that in Digital's model it would be possible to connect to larger ISP's without requiring traffic to flow through the XP itself. Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com