On Monday, May 30, 2016, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
Like HE is doing?
swmike@uplift:~$ dig +short AAAA ipv4.swm.pp.se @nat64.he.net 2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f swmike@uplift:~$ ping6 2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f PING 2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f(2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f) 56 data
64 bytes from 2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f: icmp_seq=1 ttl=42 time=316 ms 64 bytes from 2001:470:64:ffff::d4f7:c88f: icmp_seq=2 ttl=42 time=315 ms
Now, pinging myself via DNS64/NAT64 service and getting 315ms RTT means the NAT64 isn't very local to me... :P
It goes to the USA and back again. They would need NAT64 servers in every region and then let the DNS64 service decide which one is close to you by encoding the region information in the returned IPv6 address. Such as 2001:470:64:[region number]::/96.
An anycast solution would need a distributed NAT64 implementation, such that the NAT64 servers could somehow synchronize state. A more simple solution is just to have the DNS64 be anycast and have a DNS64 at each NAT64 location with the DNS64 returning pointers to the local NAT64.
Now, can we have a public MAP server? That might scale. The geo blockers will hate it. What is not to like?
MAP scale. I know folks think it is theoretically nice but.... Just curious, has anyone yet deployed MAP at scale? I know of several production and large scale nat64s (usually mobile 464xlat related), and a few large ds-lite, but never MAP in production at scale. Maybe i am missing something. CB Regards,