In message <433D607F.8040008@peter-dambier.de>, Peter Dambier writes:
I don't regard this as good, but note this from the ORSN FAQ: * Has ORSN additional TLDs like .DNS, .AUTO? No. ORSN is a "Legacy Root" and 100% compatible with ICANN's root zone. and Furthermore, no additional (alternative) top level domains will be added to the ORSN root-servers like ORSC, NEW.NET, public-root and other networks did it. It is *not* the same as what you've been advocating. As for why it's not good -- at least one query ('dig ns .') will yield different answers, I also note that it's now operating in "independent mode", which (according to the FAQ) happens if the owners of ORSN think there's some danger to the ICANN roots. Since the danger is explicitly listed as the "political situation of the world", I am concerned that OSRN is reserving to itself the right to diverge from ICANN if they perceive that ICANN is making political decisions under the influence of the U.S administration. (I also note that the OSRN is explicitly European-based, which is not that much of an improvement over the US-based ICANN, and plans to put most of its servers in Europe. 5 of the 13 official root servers have at least partial presence outside the US -- not as many as there should be, but better than having them all on one continent.