On Jun 17, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com>
apple.com is a delegation from .com just as apple is a delegation from .
apple. and www.apple. are *not* -- and the root operators may throw their hands up in the air if anyone asks them to have anything in their zone except glue -- rightly, I think; it's not a degree of complexity that's compatible with the required stability of the root zone.
Sir, either you are very confused, or, I am. I am saying that TLDs behave with the same delegation rules as SLDs, which I believe to be correct. You are claiming that TLDs are in some way magical and that the ability to delegate begins at SLDs. I think the fact that there is data in the COM zone separate from the root indicates that I am correct.
I could be wrong--Cricket Liu I am not--but the point I'm trying to make is that the record "apple." does not *live* inside the zone server for the "apple" TLD; it lives in ".".
You are, indeed, wrong. In . lives a pointer to apple. consisting of one or more NS records and possibly some A/AAAA glue for those nameservers if they are within apple. In the apple. zone file lives everything else about apple. including the SOA record for apple. Just as in COM lives one or more NS records for APPLE.COM and possibly some A/AAAA glue for NS that live within APPLE.COM. Inside the APPLE.COM zone file, OTOH, lives everything else about APPLE.COM including the SOA for APPLE.COM.
The people who operate the "apple" zone can apply an A record to "www.apple"...
Oh. Wait.
I'm sorry: you're right. It's been so long since I climbed that far up the tree, I'd forgotten, the TLDs don't *live* in the root servers.
So people operating a cTLD like "apple." would have to run their own analog of gtld-servers.net, to which the zone would be delegated, and such fanciness could happen there.
Ok; so *this* bit of opposition was a red herring. :-)
YES. Have a nice day. Owen