You all are happy... for me the _good scientific language_ was the problem too... But all this looks like a joke... Except one idea _we don't use all information keeping by the network masks_. Through it can improve the routing hierarchy, but not the address range (which is from to wit a little exceptions). To increase address range Internet shgould use extra bits for the address, foir example by using two-level hierarchy schema (and it do this - by NAT translation, for example, bits from the PORT field are used as the address space). THe more interesting issue for me is _is it possible to use Source-Routing_ for the hierarchical routing as well? Through if someone translate this joke to the normal labguage, I'll appreciate too -:). Good paper - for the evening hours... Alex. On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Craig A. Haney wrote:
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 16:57:13 -0400 From: Craig A. Haney <craig@seamless.kludge.net> To: Jon Green <jcgreen@netins.net>, "J.D. Falk" <jdfalk@cybernothing.org> Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: The Mathematical Reality of IP Addressin in IPv4...
It needs more than that. After 5 minutes I realized that if this guy was an accountant we'd all be rich...and later thrown in jail after an audit was done.
At 15:34 -0500 1999/08/25, Jon Green wrote:
If someone reads this, understands it, and wants to summarize, I'm sure many of us would appreciate it. I attempted the first two pages and gave up when my eyes started bleeding. It badly needs a technical writer to re-do it. :/
On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 11:55:42 -0700, jdfalk@cybernothing.org writes:
This looks like interesting (and operational) reading.
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Title : The Mathematical Reality of IP Addressing in IPv4 Questions the need for Another IP System of Addressing
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