This 100-line document contains 62% of what you need to know to avoid annoying 10,000 people in your email to the NANOG list. It also contains pointers to another 23%. Please take 5 minutes to read it before you post [again]. General Information =================== About NANOG: http://www.nanog.org/about/ NANOG News: http://www.nanog.org/ NANOG lists and AUP: http://www.nanog.org/mailinglist/ NANOG List FAQ: http://www.nanog.org/mailinglist/listfaqs/ To Subscribe or Unsubscribe from the list: http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog To contact the list's admins: admins@nanog.org Posting Policy ============== The NANOG list has over 10,000 subscribers so it is very easy for a thread to have scores of posts while being off-topic and only of interest to only a small proportion of subscribers. Please consider before each post if your email will be of interest to the majority of members or might alternatively be emailed directly the people of interest or posted to another forum. Please read the FAQ and AUP policy before posting for more details. Especially the following are discouraged: * Is a certain site down? Other Outages not affecting half the Internet. Please use http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ or a similar site. Please post to the Outages mailing list: http://wiki.outages.org * Spam Please use SPAM-L - http://www.claws-and-paws.com/spam-l * Contacting People * http://puck.nether.net/netops/ * http://www.peeringdb.com * Please try other methods of contacting sites before you post to NANOG. Saying something like "I tried calling 213-555-3333 but no answer" shows you _have_ tried alternative methods first. * Political Issues * Topics such as ICANN policy, Government Policy or Law changes that do not have short term Operational impact should be avoided. * Operation topics with more specific lists * DNS - http://lists.oarci.net/mailman/listinfo/dns-operations * Email - http://www.mailop.org/ * NANOG Mailing list policy Please use the nanog-futures list or contact admins@nanog.org Please also avoid ================= * Sending posts to the list relevant to only one or two people on this list, such as tests or traceroutes in response to another post for comparison to those originally posted. * Jokes, Puns, amusing observations, spelling corrections. Other NANOG related lists ========================= * NANOG-futures - for discussion of the evolution of NANOG, including organizational structure, policies and procedures, and agendas for NANOG meetings. Such topics aren't appropriate for the main NANOG mailing list. http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-futures * nanog-attendee - For discussion of venue-specific issues relevant to attendees of the current NANOG physical meeting. http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-attendee * nanog-announce - For announcements of NANOG meetings an other Important NANOG related announcements. Low traffic and all posts are also sent to main list. http://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce Other Mailing Lists =================== Information about related lists: http://www.nanog.org/mailinglist/listfaqs/otherlists.php