First, there may be those that do not require IPv6 due to size. So what is YOUR big plan to connect all those on IPv4 to the rest of the IPv6 world that has dropped IPv4 addresses.
We'll be offering v6 standard really soon. It's growth that got in the way both from employee bandwidth and overrunning the point where certain routers couldn't handle doing more than v4 anymore. Both have been sorted out and we're very close, only 1 obscure junos bug we're vetting the impact. Once it's repaired or worked around we'll be launching the public beta.
Second, as a DO customer, I am now beginning to understand the culture and ideology over IPv6 at DO. IPv6 has been asked about since at least 2012 with initial promises of 'Q3 2012 the 'Q4, now no one even wants to respond. With everyone else bringing native IPv6 on board, I see people starting to leave unless you change.
You'll be very surprised at how much care, effort and loss of sleep has gone into it.
Additional support on my feeling of DO and IPv6, is DO's stance of directly not even allowing IPv6 tunnels to HE, SiXXs, or any of the other providers by specifically teliing them not to allow connections from your IPv4 address space.
There is tens of thousands of active tunnels to us right now and I have no clue what your referring to here. If you have more information on someone not allowed to run a tunnel to us, please get that information to me asap. Some datacenters are directly peered to HE to get better tunnel performance and we are exactly the opposite of your statement. Bryan