In message <D066E1C4-CC70-4105-B2ED-A2AF9B1B2A50@delong.com>, Owen DeLong write s:
Appears to now get you a redirect to https://www.dk-hostmaster.dk/
For those arguing that 512+ octet replies don't occur:
I don't think anyone argues that 512+ octet replies don't occur. They have occured for as long as the DNS has existed. Even RFC 1123 said you SHOULD handle them. Unfortunately there are SOHO router vendors (yes I'm talking about you Netgear) that have shipped products that don't even listen on DNS/TCP yet advertise themselves as recursive DNS servers and don't have fixed images that can be installed (yes the box is field upgradable and yes I have looked for updated images). Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org