Hi, when one end-customer has been using for example /24 IPv4 allocation for a while and returns this(for example changes an ISP) to LIR, then are there some good practices before handing out this same /24 to a new customer? I guess LIR should: 1) remove all the DNS PTR records, classless of classful delegations 2) check if some of the IP addresses are in DNSBL(maybe the previous customer was a spammer). Example with $ for ip in {0..255}.216.184.93;\
do for addr in \ cbl.abuseat.org \ dnsbl.inps.de \ no-more-funn.moensted.dk \ dnsbl.sorbs.net \ bl.spamcannibal.org \ bl.spamcop.net \ psbl.surriel.com \ dnsrbl.swinog.ch; \ do dig @ "$ip"."$addr" +short | grep -q "^127.0.0." && \ echo "DNSBL-Alarm: $ip is listed on $addr"; done; done $
Anything else? regards, Martin