On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Andrew Brown wrote:
ftp's not *that* arcane, what with the number of point-n-drool interfaces for it out there (not excluding netscape).
scp is arcane for anyone who has not had a unix account long enough to discover it (and/or rcp, if it was or still is enabled when they got there).
The nicest point+drool interface for scp I've seen is in Nifty Telnet SSH for the mac. Click the "scp" button, pick files or directories for transfer, and type in the remote path (or leave it blank to plop it all in your homedir). Has anyone seen such a beast for windows users? Also Greg (woods@weird.com) mentioned something about setting up sshd to allow users (such as webhosting customers) to transfer stuff via scp without granting shell access. That would be most handy in combination with a decent windows scp client. What I really don't get is why all the telnet/ssh combos have support for file transfers, but it's next to impossible to find a nice free windows ftp client that even does s/key, much less scp... Charles
-- |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----| codewarrior@daemon.org * "ah! i see you have the internet twofsonet@graffiti.com (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!" andrew@crossbar.com * "information is power -- share the wealth."