FYI. Mark. -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [APRICOT-PC-Chairs] APRICOT 2022 Call for Presentations Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 21:16:43 +1000 From: Philip Smith <philip@apricot.net> Reply-To: APRICOT PC Chairs <pc-chairs@apricot.net> Organization: Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Operational Technologies To: apops@apops.net CC: APRICOT PC Chairs <pc-chairs@apricot.net> Hi everyone, Please find below the call for presentations for APRICOT 2022! :-) Best wishes, philip -- APRICOT 2022 21st February - 3rd March, Online https://2022.apricot.net CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS ====================== The APRICOT 2022 Programme Committee is now seeking contributions for Presentations and Tutorials for the APRICOT 2022 Conference. We are looking for presenters who would: - Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic; - Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker; - Convene and chair panel sessions of relevant topics; Please submit on-line at: http://papers.apricot.net/user/login.php?event=142 Tutorials will take place during the week of 21st February. Conference sessions and the Peering Forum will take place on the week of 28th February. All APRICOT 2022 session times will be one hour long, with up to four sessions scheduled per day. CONFERENCE MILESTONES --------------------- Call for Papers Opens: Now Initial Draft Programme: 6th December 2021 Final Deadline for Submissions: 31st January 2022 Final Program Published: 7th February 2022 Final Slides Received: 14th February 2022 *SLOTS ARE FILLED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS, REGARDLESS OF PUBLISHED DEADLINES* PROGRAMME CONTENT ----------------- The APRICOT Conference Programme consists of three parts, these being Tutorials, the Peering Forum, and Conference Sessions. Topics proposed must be relevant to Internet Operations and Technologies: - IPv4 / IPv6 Routing and Operations - Internet backbone operations - Routing Security, including RPKI and MANRS - Peering, Interconnects and IXPs - Network Function Virtualisaton - Network Automation/Programming - Content Distribution Network technology & operations - Research on Internet Operations and Deployment - Network infrastructure security - IPv6 deployment on fixed and Wireless/Cellular networks - DNS / DNSSEC - Access and Transport Technologies - Content & Service Delivery and "Cloud Computing" PEERING FORUM ------------- Due to APRICOT 2022 being held online, the PC will only accept Peering Personals prior to the event starting. Submissions must be of a single slide listing the operator's PeeringDB entry. Please refer to https://tinyurl.com/y46954n5 for how to create a successful Peering Personal presentation. CfP SUBMISSION -------------- Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be provided with CfP submissions otherwise the submission will be rejected immediately. For work in progress, the most current information available at time of submission is acceptable. All draft and complete slides must be submitted in PDF format only. Slides must be of original work, preferably not presented before at other venues, with all company confidential marks removed. Final slides are to be provided by the specified deadline for publication on the APRICOT website. Prospective presenters should note that the majority of speaking slots will be filled well before the final submission deadline. The PC may, at their discretion, retain a limited number of slots up to the final submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance. Every year we turn away submissions, due to filling up all available programme slots before the deadline. Presenters should endeavour to get material to the PC sooner rather than later. For any questions or concerns, please email the PC Chairs. We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals. Mark Tinka, Tugsorshikh Badarch & Marijana Novakovic Co-Chairs, APRICOT 2022 Programme Committee -- -- To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email topc-chairs+unsubscribe@apricot.net.